The rise of the killer AI

Helsing AI, a defence and artificial intelligence company, is developing an operating system specifically designed for warfare.
27 July 2023
Image by CyberBeat

Helsing AI, a defence and artificial intelligence company, is developing an operating system specifically designed for warfare. 

Helsing's flagship system is capable of collecting and analysing vast amounts of data from various sensors and weapons systems used in modern warfare. This information is then transformed into a visual representation, similar to a video game, to provide real-time updates on the unfolding events on the battlefield.

While Helsing is not the first company to embark on this endeavour, they are the only visible European startup in this field. Traditional defence firms have struggled to develop effective operating systems for war, creating an opportunity for tech companies like Helsing to step in. California-based Anduril and Colorado-based Palantir are also making efforts in this area, each with their own strengths.  Helsing stands out due to the unique approach it says it is taking by mapping the electromagnetic spectrum.

The use of artificial intelligence in analysing the electromagnetic spectrum and determining the optimal frequencies for communication is a powerful technique, according to experts. However, the increasing automation in the defence industry raises ethical concerns. Senior research scholar Herbert Lin emphasises the need for policymakers to resist connecting the operating system with autonomous weapons. He believes that humans should be held accountable for mistakes rather than relying solely on machines.

- CyberBeat


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