Doctors Trialling Augmented Reality to Perform Remote Medical Exams

Regional nursing homes with staff shortages could benefit from the trial.
26 May 2023
Image by CyberBeat

La Trobe University's Digital Innovation Hub is taking healthcare to the next level by utilising advanced augmented reality technology. 

This augmented reality or AR technology enables doctors to virtually be present in aged care homes in real-time, paving the way for improved remote medical examinations for both parties. 

Microsoft HoloLens headset's are used allowing doctors to access digital content and information by seeing virtual documents and monitors in their live headset view. 

In collaboration with the Victorian Virtual Emergency Department (VVED), researchers are testing the headset to ensure that it's both effective and efficient. Virtual medical exams saw a significant increase during the peak of COVID as they help alleviate the burden on emergency departments. Now, the team is aiming to employ this technology in residential aged care. 

The team captain, Dr. Sher, believes that AR exams will soon become a common occurrence as they're expected to be tested in selected care homes in the next couple of months.

- CyberBeat


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