A.I. Generated Misinformation Flooding the Internet

The findings in two new reports raise fresh concerns over how artificial intelligence may transform the misinformation landscape online.
26 May 2023
Image by CyberBeat

Artificial intelligence is making it even harder to trust the news online.

Recent reports reveal a concerning trend of fringe news websites, content farms, and fake reviewers using artificial intelligence to create fake content online. This includes fabricated events, medical advice, and celebrity death rumours, which could further reshape the online misinformation landscape.

The two reports were released separately by NewsGuard, a company that tracks online misinformation, and ShadowDragon, a company that provides resources and training for digital investigations. 

The reports shed light on the alarming increase of AI-generated news and information websites with little to no human oversight.

NewsGuard found that the number of news and information websites generated by AI has more than doubled in two weeks. 

Chief executive Steven Brill, said in a statement - “News consumers trust news sources less and less in part because of how hard it has become to tell a generally reliable source from a generally unreliable source… This new wave of A.I.-created sites will only make it harder for consumers to know who is feeding them the news, further reducing trust.”

- CyberBeat


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